an unopened spathe

the golden orange coloured limb of the opened spathe, note the acute angle of the limb and the throat
the spathe being cut off to further expose the interior of the kettle
the slightly yellow coloured throat attracting a fly to rest, , the throat areas were not fully closed up for all the 3 opened spathes I saw so far
the interior of the kettle
The spectrum of variation in cryptocorynes found in the nature is sometimes really too great in my opinion to be able to accurately identify which species should a cryptocoryne be declared as. Maybe I should revert to terming it as just C. sp. 'Pahang 8' so as not to cause future confusion due to inaccurate indentification!Another lesson learnt from this habitat : if one is too oblivious to what is happening in the surrounding, one might be easily crushed by the little fingers of others (mine in this case :-p, the mosquito would not fly away once they started sucking blood even as my little fingers closed in to kill them).