ferruginea '
Sungei Kerait' was my first purchase of
cryptocorynes with locality known , the owner was kind enough to pack 02
plantlets for me. That was in mid February 2008 then when I had not set up me
emersed tank yet. I planted one
plantlet in '
GEX' brand substrate (light green packaging) and the other in used ADA
Amazonia +
Aficana (50%:50%), both in mineral water bottles setup.

This species is quite an easy
cryptocoryne to grow, the below shows their condition in early April 2008 after one and a half month of growth, the
cryptocorynes in both bottles were already developing new
plantlets. The growth rate for this cryptocoryne is about 1 leaf per month.

In my opinion, the one grown in
GEX has a better growth than the one grown in used ADA (Maybe it is less acidic? Maybe it is looser and less compact?). The
plantlets from the one grown in used ADA substrate seemed to be
stuck in the substrate and never could grow out of the surface at all.
I already managed to re-pot 2
plantlets from the one grown in
GEX instead into my
emersed tank, one during end May 2008 (in
GEX substrate again with 1/4 wonder-
gro roots tablet, with the pot placed in a tub of water of neutral pH) and one during mid July 2008 (similar condition to the above, except that the substrate is changed to
GEX mixed with '
Kotobuki' brand Dr Soil).