I had the good fortune to visit the natural habitat of C. griffithii 'Bintan' at the eastern side of Bintan Island.
We stopped by a provision shop along the way to buy some tidbits for the kids staying in the farm house near to the location where my friend found the cryptocorynes.
The habitat was a stream running in a forest behind a farm.
The farms were cultivating some chilli and brinjal.
There was a durian tree in the farm and below were the flowers growing on the branches of the durian tree.
The cryptocorynes were growing on the sandy banks of the stream, some emersed while others submersed.
The pH of the water was about 6.0.
The cryptocorynes were growing in large patches along the stream,
Below were some fauna found in the stream among the cryptocorynes.
These are some close up shots of the submersed leaves.
Below are the photographs of some protectors of the forest.